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[ 发布日期:2016-04-07  ] 【返回

韩高义,1971年出生,教授,博导,1993年毕业于山西大学化学系,1996年毕业于山西大学分子科学研究 所,获理学硕士学位,2001年获南京大学理学博士学位, 2002-2004在清华大学进行博士后研究,荣获2004年清华大学优秀博士后奖。2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2009年被评为山西 省高校中青年拔尖创新人才,2008年荣获山西省“五四”青年奖章。主要从事静电纺丝、石墨烯和导电高分子等功能纳米材料应用于能量转换和存储方面的研 究。

主持国家自然科学基金项目(20604014,21073115,21274082)、教育部新世纪优秀人才项目 (NCET-10-0926),山西省自然科学基金项目(2007021008,2007-2009年)、山西省教育厅专项项目。在国内外以表SCI论文 30余篇。

















  1. Li Yanping, Han Gaoyi, Ionic liquid-functionalized graphene for fabricating an amperometric acetylcholinesterase biosensor,Analyst, 2012, 137, 3160-3165.
  2. Li Yulin, Chang Yunzhen, Jin Ming, Liu Yanyun, Han Gaoyi, A Nonenzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor Based on Pt/PPy Hollow Hybrid Microspheres, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 1316-1321.
  3. Fu Dongying, Han Gaoyi, Chang Yunzhen, Dong Jianhua, The synthesis and properties of ZnO-graphene nano hybrid for photodegradation of organic pollutant in water, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 132, 673-681. 
  4. Fu Dongying, Han Gaoyi, Meng Caifeng, Size-cotrolled synthesis and photocatalytic degradation properties of nano-sized ZnO nanorods, Materials Letters, 2012, 72, 53-56.
  5. Chang Yunzhen, Han Gaoyi, Li Miaoyu, Gao Fei, Graphene-modified carbon fiber mats used to improve the activity and stability of Pt catalyst for methanol electrochemical oxidation, Carbon, 2011, 49, 5158-5165.
  6. Jin Ming, Han Gaoyi, Chang Yunzhen, Zhao Hua, Zhang Huanyu, Flexible electrodes based on polypyrrole/manganese dioxide/polypropylene fibrous membrane composite for supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56, 9938-9945.
  7. Jin Ming, Liu Yanyun, Chang Yunzhen, Fu Dongying, Zhao Hua, Han Gaoyi, Preparation of the flexible polypyrrole/polypropylene composite fibrous film for electrochemical capacitor, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 3415-3422.
  8. Miaoyu Li, Yunzhen Chang, Gaoyi Han, Bisheng Yang, Platinum nanoparticles supported on electrospinning-derived carbon fibrous mats by using formaldehyde vapor as reducer for methanol electrooxidation, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196, 7973-7978.
  9. Yanyun Liu, Gaoyi Han*, Yulin Li, Ming Jin, Flower-like zinc oxide deposited on the film of graphene oxide and its photoluminescence, Materials Letters, 2011, 65, 1885-1888.
  10. Xiaomin Liu, Miaoyu Li, Gaoyi Han*, Jianhua Dong, The catalysts supported on metallized electrospun polyacrylonitrile fibrous mats for methanol oxidation, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55, 2983-2990.
  11. Bin Guo, Gaoyi Han*, Miaoyu Li, Shizhen Zhao, Deposition of the fractal-like gold particles onto electrospun polymethylmethacrylate fibrous mats and their application in surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Thin Solid Films, 2010, 518,3228-3233.
  12. Shizhen Zhao, Gaoyi Han*, Miaoyu Li, Fabrication of copper sulfide microstructures with the bottle- and thorny rod-shape, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 120, 431-437.
  13. Shizhen Zhao, Miaoyu Li, Xiaomin Liu, Gaoyi Han, Synthesis of CuAlO2 nanofibrous mats by electrospinning, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 116, 615-618.
  14. Miaoyu Li, Shizhen Zhao, Gaoyi Han, Binsheng Yang, Electrospinning-derived carbon fibrous mats improving the performance of commercial Pt/C for methanol oxidation, Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 191, 351-356.
  15. Ruixi Zhang, Gaoyi Han, Liwei Zhang, Binsheng Yang, Gel combustion synthesis and luminescence properties of nanoparticles of monoclinic SrAl2O4: Eu2 ,Dy3, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 113, 255–259.
  16. Li Miaoyu, Han Gaoyi, Yang Binsheng, Fabrication of the Catalytic Electrodes for Methanol Oxidation on Electrospinning-Derived Carbon Fibrous Mats, Electrochemistry Communications 2008, 10, 880–883.
  17. Bin Guo, Shizhen Zhao, Gaoyi Han, Liwei Zhang, Continuous thin gold films electroless deposited on fibrous mats of polyacrylonitrile and their electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of methanol, Electrochimica Acta 2008, 53, 5174–5179.
  18. Rui Chen, Shizhen Zhao, Gaoyi Han, Jianhua Dong, Fabrication of the silver /polypyrrole/ polyacrylonitrile composite nanofibrous mats, Materials Letters, 2008, 62, 4031–4034.
  19. Shizhen Zhao, Bin Guo, Gaoyi Han Yanni Tian, Metallization of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Fibers by Gold, Materials Letters 2008, 62, 3751–3753 .
  20. Gaoyi Han, Gaoquan Shi, Porous polypyrrole/polymethylmethacrylate composite film prepared by vapor deposition polymerization of pyrrole and its application for ammonia detection, Thin Solid Films, 2007, 515, 6986-6991.
  21. Gaoyi Han, Gaoquan Shi, Novel route to pure and composite fibers of polypyrrole, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007, 103, 1490-1494.
  22. Gaoyi Han, Bin Guo, Liwei Zhang, Binsheng Yang, Conductive Gold Films Assembled on Electrospun Poly (methyl methacrylate) Fibrous Mat, Advanced materials 2006, 18, 1709-1712.
  23. Goyi Han, Gaoquan Shi,Electrochemical actuator based on single-layer polypyrrole film, Sensors and Actuators B, 2006, 113, 259–264.
  24. Gaoyi Han, Jinying Yuan, Gaoquan Shi, Fei Wei,Electrodeposition of polypyrrole/multiwalled carbon nanotube,composite films,Thin Solid Films, 2005, 474, 64– 69.
  25. Gaoyi Han, Gaoquan Shi,Conducting polymer electrochemical actuator made of high-strength three-layered composite films of polythiophene and polypyrrole,Sensors and Actuators B, 2004, 99, 525–531.
  26. Gaoyi Han,Gaoquan Shi,High-response tri-layer electrochemical actuators based on conducting polymer films,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2004, 569, 169-174.
  27. GY Han, GQ Shi, LT Qu, JY Yuan, FE Chen1 and PY Wu,Electrochemical polymerization of chiral pyrrole derivatives in electrolytes containing chiral camphor sulfonic acid,Polymer International,2004, 53, 1554–1560.
  28. GAOYI HAN,GAOQUAN SHI, JINYING YUAN, FENG’EN CHEN,Electrochemical growth of aligned N-chiral alkyl substituted polypyrrole micro-ribbons,Journal of Materials Science, 2004, 39, 4451–4457.
  29. 韩高义,石高全等,手性环境下的手性N2取代吡咯电化学聚合及其微结构,高分子学报 2004,2:165-170.
  30. Han Gaoyi, Yang Pin, Synthesis and characterization of water-insoluble and water- soluble dibutyltin(IV)  porphinate complexes based on the tris(pyridinyl) porphyrin moiety, their anti-tumor, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2002, 91, 230–236.
  31. 李梅,韩高义,张立伟,环丙沙星-聚羟基丁酸酯电纺纤维毡的制备、性质及抑菌活性研究,化学研究与应用,20/4 (2008) 475-478.
  32. 韩高义,杨频,水溶性不对称卟啉及其金属配合物合成及与DNA的作用, 化学学报,2001, 56(6), 925~930.
  33. 韩高义,杨频,四[对-(羧基甲氧基)苯基]卟啉的金属配合物(M=Zn,Cu, Ni)的π-π配合及其二丁基锡(Ⅳ)酯衍生物的抗癌活性, 高等学校化学学报,2001, 22(12), 1993~1995.
  34. 韩高义,杨频,水溶性有机锡卟啉酯的合成及其体外抗肿瘤活性,科学通报,2001, 46(12), 1002~1005.
  35. 范晓毅, 韩高义, 陈世荣, 杨频, 无机化学学报, 2001, 17, 188-192.

eMail: han_gaoyis@sxu.edu.cn

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